How can acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine help?
It is important to remember that treatments are designed to address the person who is experiencing some kind of imbalance rather than having a limited focus on disease or illness. We are unique, each body is complex, every part of the body is connected to all other parts, and each of us has our own way of relating to that which has us feel unwell. Treatment is individualized, based on what the person needs in the moment.
The World Health Organization and the National Institution of Health have found acupuncture to be effective in treating the following conditions:
Chronic and acute pain
Neurological disorders
Stress / anxiety
Emotional / psychological issues
Fatigue / low energy
Immune disorders, lowered immune function
Sleep disorders / insomnia
Digestive complaints
Headaches / migraines
Musculoskeletal / structural issues
Menstrual disorders
Decreased sexual function